The sixteenth installment of the Shake, Rattle & Roll film series after a 9-year hiatus since the fifteenth film. Neglected and addicted to gadgets, 6-year-old Lyka befriends a malevolent entity from a defunct children’s show, causing deadly events at home. A group of influencers and content creators gather for a collab in a luxurious mansion. A bunch of thrill-seekers go on a ...35电影网站免费提供《菲律宾恐怖故事16》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《菲律宾恐怖故事16》迅雷资源,《菲律宾恐怖故事16》国语,粤语版本高清在线观看,《菲律宾恐怖故事16》完整高清未删减版在线观看。三五电影网所有迅雷下载资源以及在线观看资源由云端程序自动抓取,如果你喜欢《菲律宾恐怖故事16》最新一期,欢迎分享《菲律宾恐怖故事16》给你的好友,本片只做交流学习,请勿用于商业利益行为,请支持《菲律宾恐怖故事16》正版影片!请下载观看后24小时内删除,感谢支持!